How to Achieve Your Peace of Mind
“Peace of mind is the mother of all achievements”  -Atif Jaseem (Founder
Peace of Mind
Dear Listen!  Do you have irritating and conflicting thoughts or feeling depressed? Listen! Wherever you are in life, peace is the oxygen of your life. Peace leads you to the most joyful roads of life .You don’t know most of the time where you are going, you forget yourself and continue doing hard work so much for something and destroy your
inner peace .
The ultimate line of every thought, every human philosophy is – How to become happy and achieve a peaceful state of mind, no matter what the situation is? No one is free from desires and dreams and we all have some goals but if we think why we have such goals desires and dreams? We will come to the point that -to make ourselves happy and feeling joy, Is not that?
The biggest mistake we all human being do is we attach our happiness with our dreams , we have make our belief that we will only be happy if we full fill our desires or achieved some materialistic  things . Are you one of them who has attached their happiness to their dreams? then your life is going to be miserable you will  loss most precious moments of your life, it will never make you happy in most of the time span of your life, You will always be looking for the future
,it will never let you live in the present moment
“We shouldn’t do things so we can be happy. We should be happy so we can do things.”
No matter what you do for a living, the end goal is to be happy. So how do you become happier? This varies by individual, but there are some things you can do to become happier that are proved by modern psychology and spirituality.
Here are 4 fundamental practices you can do to make each day mean more.
1) Live in the present Moment
2) Practice Gratitude
3) Believe in Giving
4) Meditation OR Spiritual Practices

“Read Your favorite books in your Native languages”

BitRead : Read your favorite books in your Native Language

 1.   Live in the present Moment
Live in the present Moment
You don’t have to wait for happiness, Start to live in the present moment and don’t miss the moment where you should enjoy in your life. Never miss the laughing moments around you ,live in the present moment of ecstasy , be in love with the people around you, talk with them , share with them stories and listen to theirs, this world is whole about your present moment .Someone asked from Richard Branson ,  “You’re always happy. What do you do when you’re sad?” Branson replied,
“I can’t remember the bad times. I only remember the good things that happened in my life.”
One of the things people say the most is that they wish they had spent more time with their loved ones. So give your time to your friends and family and all love ones it will give happiness and fulfill peace in your mind.
2.Practice Gratitude
Practice Gratitude
Those who are grateful for what they have are happier than others .The secret to leading a blissful life is to be content with what you do have, don’t look at others, don’t allow others to impose their thoughts on your mind. Practicing gratitude help you to increase your happiness level, it gives you more energy, it decrease your depression level it boost your mind level to more positive aspects of life

“Your dreams are just a part of your life not your whole life”

Research has been proved that one of the key things that lets us work optimally in the world is –the ability of our mind to control our happiness level. It is a skill which we can learn through practices and experiences.

3.Believe in Giving
Believe in Giving
99% people believe in taking —they don’t know the power of giving. Giving gives you more than what you give, it gives you inner joy and satisfaction. God created us to help each other’s, it gives contentment, it gives us purpose that we are more than just for ourselves .Nothing in this world gives more satisfaction than by giving others .Initially it seems hard to you but Once you start to believe in giving you will feel the difference in your inner self and you will understand that you did not lost anything. It will enrich your life and make you feel more satisfied, happier, more fortunate, more blessed with your life. When spending money, remember that as good as it is to spoil yourself, you may feel more fulfilled in the long run by buying something for someone that you love.
“If you want to be happy then try to make others happy.”
4.Meditation OR Spiritual Practices
Meditation OR Spiritual Practices
Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 15 to 20 minutes .Try to detached your mind from every negative thoughts and imagine yourself in totally new world of natural beauty . Try to connect yourself with God ask him for a peaceful mind. Ask from God whatever you want to ask, then be silent for a moment -and listen. You will get most of your answer.
After spending sometime meditating or praying, you will experience feelings of calm and contentment, as well as heightened awareness and empathy. Also Spend sometimes in good weather makes you work more efficiently, increases your energy, and boosts your mood.

23 thoughts on “How to Achieve Your Peace of Mind

  1. Nice write up sir
    Am happy to have downloaded this app its helpful
    Am grateful and honoured to read this my peaceful mind has been restored. May God continue to bless you

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